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Natchez Trace Parkway

Mississippi, Alabama, Tennessee

Natchez Trace Slideshow
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The Trace has existed for a long time. It appears on is a 1733 French map, showing a road that goes to the Northeast. It probably started as a game and hunting trail, then a trading route, and by the late 1700's and early 1800's, it was a well travelled and protected road. (It's also commonly referred to as the "Natchez Road".)

Merchants along or near the Ohio River would build a boat, and float their goods down the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers to various markets along the way. The eventual destination would be Natchez or New Orleans, where they would sell the boat to be broken up for the lumber. They would then buy a horse or walk back home via the Natchez Trace which stretched from Natchez, Mississippi to Nashville, Tennessee on the Cumberland Plateau.

Early US
The United States (Before the Louisiana Purchase)
It was the main thoroughfare through the Southeast, to the point of being recognized and protected by the Federal Government. It's demise was the Industrial Revolution and the steam engine, which brought boats that could paddle their way back upriver. It beat having to deal with the swamps, bandits, biting insects, foul weather and other pitfalls of travelling the road, which could take a month of walking from one end to the other. This would eventually turn the Trace back into a peaceful forest trail...

Today, the Natchez Trace Parkway (established in 1938) is a 443 mile, two lane, limited access road, with a maximum speed limit of 45 MPH. It starts in Natchez, Mississippi (mile 0) and heds Northeast. It clips the corner of Alabama for 30 miles, then the parkway ends about 20 miles Southwest of Nashville in Pasquo, Tennessee.

While the original Trace did reach Nashville, the path is through (now) urban areas, and only exists as a dotted line on a map. So you don't have to drive through those urban areas which could take hours, they built a short connector to I-40 at the terminus of the parkway.)

Natchez Trace Parkway Map
Click on the map for a detailed parkway map.

The Natchez Trace Parkway

The Natchez Trace is only one of a few National Park Service venues that are tasked to preserve a road. It is designated a Parkway, but in reality it's a very long historical and preservation park. There are dozens of scenic pullouts and places of interest along the Trace, all designated by "Milepost", the Trace's version of a mile marker. (Mileposts start at zero in Natchez, and ends at Milepost 443 in Tennessee.)

I drove the Trace from Natchez to Tupelo, Mississippi in 1998, on the way back from a business trip. I completed the Trace from Nashville to Tupelo in 2000 when heading down South on a vacation. There was another short drive in 2011 from Meriwether Lewis to the Terminus, just because I was going to be (somewhat) close, and wanted updated images of the Meriwether Lewis Site. (When I had come across the site in 2000, it was a dark, overcast, rainy day, and the pictures I had were pretty bad. It was more of a tribute to the man I had crossed the path of so many times out West.)

I admit, I'd have more pictures of the Trace if I drove it when I was digital, but you were much more careful with your shots when film was the medium of the day...

Some observations:

Natchez, Mississippi (MP 0) to Ross Barnett Reservoir (MP 105)

There is a visitor's center in Natchez, and the trace now starts in Natchez, rather than a few miles outside of the city like it used to.

When I had first planned on taking the road on the way home from San Antonio in 1998, I didn't know of all the attractions along the road until I got to the Visitor's Center, so I didn't have the time to make more stops, nor did I spend any time in Natchez itself. (I also had this little back problem from sleeping on a strange bed for a week...)

Natchez Trace Parkway - Natchez, Mississippi (milepost 0) to Ross Barnett Reservoir (milepost 105)
199806SA_095F0500MS 199806SA_096F0502MS 199806SA_097F0503MS 199806SA_098F0504MS 199806SA_099F0505MS 199806SA_100F0506MS 199806SA_101F0507MS 199806SA_102F0508MS 199806SA_103F0509MS 199806SA_104F0510MS 199806SA_105F0511MS 199806SA_106F0512MS

Tupelo Swamp (MP 122) to Black Belt (MP 253)

Tupelo Swamp
The Tupelo Swamp was a pretty surreal place, with the cypress trees in the water covered by green. As you look over the swamp, it's not hard to imagine some creatures hand coming out of the water and pulling you in like some horror movie.

It probably would have been better if I was there when it wasn't deserted and dead quiet. :-)

I had started the day someplace in Louisiana, and made it as far as Tupelo, where I stayed overnight. Since my back was giving me problems (I blame it on bad genes), I left for home from Tupelo the next morning. So after Black Belt, the pictures transition from 1998 to 2000 and 2011.

Tupelo Swamp (milepost 122) to Black Belt (milepost 253)
199806SA_107F0513MS 199806SA_108F0514MS 199806SA_109F0515MS 199806SA_110F0516MS 199806SA_111F0517MS 199806SA_112F0519MS 199806SA_113F0520MS 199806SA_114F0521MS 199806SA_115F0522MS 199806SA_116F0523MS 199806SA_117F0524MS 199806SA_118F0525MS 199806SA_119F0601MS 199806SA_120F0602MS 199806SA_121F0604MS 199806SA_122F0605MS

I don't recall a state border sign, and since this was film, I don't have a time stamp to even roughly figure out where these were taken. I seem to remember stopping to take a picture only because it was in Alabama, so these might be it.

Around the Alabama/Tennessee border
201111PP_487P07115 20000317SAN_15Fscn 20000317SAN_1616aFxxx

Meriwether Lewis Burial Site (MP 385.9)

Meriwether Lewis Burial Site...
The "Meriwether Lewis" site started as a National Monument in 1925, and was managed by the War Department. It was transferred to the National Park Service in 1933, and became part of the Parkway in 1939, but still retained the National Monument status. It wasn't until 1961 that the National Monument was tranferred to the Parkway.

When I drove the Nashville Terminus to Tupelo leg in 2000, I was ignorant of why Meriwether Lewis would be buried along the Natchez Trace. The signage at the site never suggested the cause of his death, stating it was under "mysterious circumstances".

It wasn't until I read Undaunted Courage by Stephen Ambrose, that I understood what really happened to Lewis and Clark and the Corps of Discovery. His death was more "tragic consequences" than "mysterious circumstances", a man rewarded by being put into a position he was utterly incapable of fulfilling.

Meriwether Lewis was appointed the governor of the Louisiana Territory as reward for his journey out West in 1806. During that trip out West, the everyday hardships and the co-leadership and friendship of William Clark kept him focused. Those two keys disappeared after his return. Soon to follow were several personal failures, and even Thomas Jefferson had noted Lewis had a problem with (what we call now) depression. By 1809, it led him to alcoholism and drugs. He was traveling to Washington from St. Louis, to personally discuss some budgetary problems to those in Washington, when on the night of October 11, 1809 he committed suicide while having hallucinations at Grinder's Stand. As he was dying, he still believed Clark was coming to save him...

It was a truly sad end for a real hero and pioneer of our country.

Maybe appropriately, it was a particularly crappy day when I was there in 2000. Not only was it overcast, but the consumer grade film I was using color shifted slightly.

In November 2011, I was going to be in Tennessee and (somewhat) close to the Trace. I decided to go back out there if it was a better day. Well, it was. So I kept two of the images from the old photo set to show the old monument, versus the new one built sometime in-between. It was either rebuilt for the bicentennial of Lewis and Clark's journey (A lot of money was poured into the L&C sites around the country) or the 200th anniversary of his death.

The monument is located in a pioneer cemetery, but the cemetery was created after Lewis was buried there.

Meriwether Lewis Map
Click on the map for a detailed map.
Meriwether Lewis Burial Site (milepost 385.9)
20000317SAN_13Fscn 20000317SAN_14aFxxx 201111PP_488P07120 201111PP_490P07120 201111PP_491P07120 201111PP_493P07121 201111PP_494P07121 201111PP_497P07121 201111PP_498P07121 201111PP_499P07121 201111PP_500P07121 201111PP_501P07121 201111PP_502P07121 201111PP_503P07121 201111PP_509P07121 201111PP_511P07122 201111PP_514P07122 201111PP_516P07122 201111PP_517P07122 201111PP_518P07122 201111PP_519P07122 201111PP_521P07122 201111PP_523P07124

Swan View (MP 393) to Gordon House (MP 408)

The appearance of the trace does change as you leave the lowlands and swamps of Mississippi, and the scenery starts to give way to hilly terrain.

Swan View (milepost 393) to Gordon House (milepost 408)
201111PP_524527P07130 201111PP_528P07130 201111PP_530P07131 201111PP_531P07131 201111PP_532P07131 201111PP_533P07131 201111PP_534P07133 201111PP_537P07133 201111PP_535P07133 201111PP_536P07133 20000317SAN_10Fscn 20000317SAN_11Fscn 20000317SAN_12Fscn 20000317SAN_12aFxxx 201111PP_538P07133 201111PP_539P07134 201111PP_541P07140 201111PP_542P07140 201111PP_545P07140 201111PP_546P07140 201111PP_548P07140 201111PP_551P07140 20000317SAN_07Fscn 20000317SAN_08Fscn 20000317SAN_09Fscn 201111PP_552P07141 201111PP_553P07141 201111PP_554P07141 201111PP_556P07141

Water Valley Overlook (MP 412) to Terminus (MP 443)

Terminus Entry Sign...
The first two images are at the same place as the panoramic, and it kinda shows what it looks like on a overcast, misty/rainy, crappy day, versus a nice sunny afternoon... :-)

Water Valley Overlook (milepost 412) to Terminus (milepost 443)
20000317SAN_06Fscn 20000317SAN_05aFxxx 201111PP_557562P07142 201111PP_563P07143 201111PP_566P07143 20000317SAN_05Fscn 20000317SAN_04Fscn 20000317SAN_03aFxxx 20000317SAN_03Fscn 20000316SAN_02Fscn 20000316SAN_02aFxxx

The Natchez Trace is a nice drive, so long as you're not in a hurry to get anywhere. It's good that the park service is trying to preserve one of the most important roads in early America. It may not be as scenic as the Blue Ridge Parkway, but the Trace was a real road back in the 1700's and 1800's, so holds some real historical creds. If you're out for a road trip, or are in the area and can travel the Trace for a few miles, I'd recommend it.

Related Links

Lewis And Clark
Lewis And Clark Link

I've visited a few Lewis And Clark sites, from Philadelphia to the Pacific Northwest.

Visited Various.
Blue Ridge Parkway
Blue Ridge Link

The Blue Ridge Parkway can be a spectacularly beautiful drive as it follows the crest of the Blue Ridge mountain chain, but that very fact can change low hanging clouds into fog on the parkway. A very common occurrence. Ugh.

I have been on the parkway three times, but never North of the North Carolina border.

North Carolina, Virginia / 91 Images. Visited Mar 2000, Oct 2007, Sep 2011.

Natchez Trace Parkway Trip Reports: Jun 1998, Mar 2000, Nov 2011.

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