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2007 Fall Vacation / 2011 Trip

Great Smoky Mountain NP and The Blue Ridge Parkway

[Note: My 2011 pictures were put on this page because there weren't enough images to warrant their own page.]
2007 2011 GSM/BRP Slideshow
My 2007 Fall Trip was on the way to Disney World.
My 2011 Trip was on the return trip from Dragon*Con.

When I was in Pennsylvania in 2006, there were a lot of places where the trees were turning fall colors. I would have taken more pictures, and found other places of interest, but I was sicker than a dog and was miserable. Even though I forced myself to play tourist, I could have done a better job.

So I had this brilliant idea for my 2007 fall vacation. Go find some fall colors. Simple, yes?

Well, no. Plans couldn't be made until Annual Pass rates were announced by Disney. That happened on August 19. Hard reservations were made for October 21 through the 27th. I'd be back in Chicago by the 29th.

Now, part of this brilliant plan was to go wherever the trees were turning color. If it was Pennsylvania or New York, so be it. Ideally it would be the Blue Ridge Parkway. But I would even go to Tennessee, Mississippi, wherever. No problem for mid-October, right?

Well, no. At the start of October, I start checking websites that track color changes. Well, between the drought and the warm fall, the trees are either turning from green to dead, or they're staying green, not a whole lot of color. By mid-October, things still hadn't changed.

A decision had to be made on where to go, and it's the Blue Ridge Parkway. I hadn't been on the Parkway since 2000. Even if the trees aren't turning color, it'll still be a nice drive, right?

Well, no. It would have been a nice drive, except for the fog. Low clouds, actually, but at 4000 feet, it's fog. Fog so dense that not only could you not see if the trees were turning color, but you couldn't see the trees. Not to mention we didn't even see the sun until we were 10 miles from the mountains. Perfect weather after that.

I want my money back.

Great Smoky Mountain National Park
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Grandfather Mountain
Grandfather Mountain, Blue Ridge Parkway.

Blue Ridge Parkway
0710SE_00640I181216 0710SE_00650I181228 0710SE_00660I181238 0710SE_0067000690I181250 0710SE_0070000720I181254 0710SE_00730I181255 0710SE_00740I181323 0710SE_00750I181323 0710SE_00760I181324 0710SE_00770I181324 0710SE_00780I181328 0710SE_0079000880I181331 0710SE_00890I181346 0710SE_00900I181347 0710SE_00910I190924 0710SE_0105001120I190959 0710SE_01130I191001 0710SE_01140I191002 0710SE_0115001210I191022 0710SE_01220I191024 0710SE_01230I191025 0710SE_01240I191031 0710SE_0125001300I191032 0710SE_01310I191033 0710SE_01320I191152 0710SE_01330I191202 0710SE_01340I191203 0710SE_01360I191224 0710SE_01370I191238 0710SE_01380I191240 0710SE_01400I191251 0710SE_0141001440I191251 0710SE_0145001470I191253 0710SE_01480I191300 0710SE_0149001610I191301 0710SE_01620I191306 0710SE_01630I191313 0710SE_01650I191319

Leaving the parkway, we did a speed run South. Until we came across a pink Quonset hut, with a sign, "The BBQ Man". Naturally, we stopped for lunch. Great food. I don't know if it's still there, but it's worth the stop...

The BBQ Man
TheBBQMan1 TheBBQMan2

2011 Return Trip from Dragon*Con

Hard to argue with that... Bantam Chef Restaurant, Chesnee, SC
In 2011, after my... interesting... visit to Dragon*Con, we decided to take the long way home via the Blue Ridge Parkway and the Great Smoky Mountain National Park, then go up to I-40 to get Jenny back to Peaceful Pastures.

Foolishly following my GPS, rather than look at a real map, we found ourselves looking for food, and happened across the Bantam Chef Restaurant. Right across the street from the local speed trap, who was handing out speeding tickets a couple miles from the North Carolina border.

Good food, great ambience, I'd go back again. But considering where Chesnee, South Carolina is, you really have to want to go there. Just don't speed down US-221...

Bantam Chef Restaurant
201109DRA_424P05113 201109DRA_425P05114 201109DRA_426P05114 201109DRA_428P05115 201109DRA_430P05122 201109DRA_431P05122 201109DRA_432P05122 201109DRA_433P05122 201109DRA_434P05122 201109DRA_435P05122 201109DRA_436P05122 201109DRA_437P05122 201109DRA_438P05122 201109DRA_440P05122 201109DRA_441P05122 201109DRA_442P05122

We entered the parkway North of Grandfather Mountain, around the same place I left the Parkway in 2007. As we approached the Parkway, it started raining. Hard. Unbelievably hard.

When I got on the Parkway, I discovered... Fog. Again. Something about this place and me and low hanging water. sigh.

We did stop in at the Parkway Crafts Center (around mile marker 294), where Jenny had to inspect the yarn they had. There was a carriage house there, where Jenny remarked that the rats (it was obvious from the little gifts left all over the place) were probably destroying some expensive carriages. I see hantaviruses, Jenny sees some nice carriages being destroyed. Heh.

Blue Ridge Parkway
201109DRA_445P05132 201109DRA_446P05132 201109DRA_448P05145 201109DRA_449P05145 201109DRA_450P05145 201109DRA_452P05152 201109DRA_454P05152 201109DRA_458P05153 201109DRA_460P05155 201109DRA_461P05155 201109DRA_471477P05163 201109DRA_478485P05164 201109DRA_486P05164 201109DRA_487P05164 201109DRA_488P05164 201109DRA_490P05164 201109DRA_491P05164 201109DRA_493P05170 201109DRA_494P05170 201109DRA_495P05170 201109DRA_496P05170 201109DRA_497P05170 201109DRA_500P05182 201109DRA_501P06115 201109DRA_502P06115 201109DRA_503P06115 201109DRA_504P06115 201109DRA_505510P06120 201109DRA_511P06120 201109DRA_514P06120 201109DRA_516P06121 201109DRA_517P06122 201109DRA_519520P06125 201109DRA_522P06130 201109DRA_523P06131 201109DRA_524530P06131 201109DRA_531534P06133 201109DRA_537P06134

We left the Parkway, and visited the Mountain Farm Museum, where Jenny relived part of her childhood, and of course, closely inspected the horse wagons and carriages.

A quick stop at Mingus Mill, where we found the water turbine had blown out, and we were out of the park.

Great Smoky Mountain National Park
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  • 08/01/2013 - Addition of 2011 pics, completed update to v3.11
  • 08/31/2014 - Update to v3.2
  • September 2022 - Upgrade to v5.0.
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