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Capitol Reef National Park

Capitol Reef title card
Capitol Reef National Park. Click to go directly to the slideshow...
Welcome to The Wayne Wonderland!

In the late 1800's, the Mormons started homesteading farther South from The Great Salt Lake, and a group started a settlement at what is now The Fruita Historic District. The settlement, Fruita (then named Junction), never supported more than 10 families, but it was a very successful venture.

It was located where the Freemont River cut through the Capitol Reef, so named because of the white domes that resembled the Capitol Building; and any impassible barrier, whether on land, or at sea, was called a Reef.

In 1921, however, a booster effort out of Torrey, started promoting the area in Wayne County as The Wayne Wonderland. Concerned that much of the area was becoming exploited, the booster club started a campaign to create The Wayne Wonderland National Monument.

Capitol Reef National Park Map
Cropped map of Capitol Reef National Park. Click for a larger view.
Evidently, Wayne Wonderland wasn't an acceptable name, and Capitol Reef National Monument was established in 1937, and became a National Park in 1971.

While the wall was probably a mystery to the pioneers who homesteaded here, today it's called the Waterpocket Fold, a hundred mile long up thrust that occurred 65 million years ago (by the same forces that created the Rockies), but has since eroded down. (See the cross section at the right.) The cut through the Reef was caused by the Freemont River, which was able to keep its channel and cut through the wall as the ground was pushed upward. It's named Waterpocket due to the eroded depressions in the rock that retain rainwater.

Capitol Reef National Park protects this Fold, so it's a long (60 miles North-South), but narrow (6 mile average, East-West) park. It is essentially surrounded by National Forests, BLM lands, Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument, and touches Glen Canyon National Recreation Area at the Southern tip, where the Fold continues to Lake Powell.

Waterpocket Fold
Cross section of the Waterpocket Fold.
The National Monument may have been established in 1937, but getting to the park must have been an adventure until I-70 was built in 1970. Prior to the interstate, it was Utah State Route 8. I do imagine it was a two lane highway, like all the other state highways in Utah, through the red-rock desert.

Utah-24, the main road that allows access to the park, follows the Freemont River from Hanksville, and follows the natural passage formed by the river through the Fold. Once through the Fold, Utah-24 follows the "Reef" until it exits the park close to Torrey.

The Scenic Drive of the park follows the Fold South for a few miles. It was washed out by some flash floods when I was there in 1997, and in 2008, it was apparent why the road would wash out. Definitely a drive to do, if you can.

East Entrance / Notom Road

I actually drove a few miles of Notom Road, looking for Notom. Couldn't find it, and abandoned the search when the road went to gravel.

Entrance/Notom Road
200809SW_0620P16141 200809SW_0628P16152 200809SW_0629P16152 200809SW_06300637P16152

Entrance to Visitors Center

US-24 crosses through the Waterpocket Fold here, where the rocks are a jumbled mess of confusion. It's the white "domes" here that prompted the "Capitol" in Capitol Reef. Very cool place.

Utah-24, Entrance to Visitors Center
200809SW_0621P16141 200809SW_0622P16141 200809SW_0624P16141 200809SW_0625P16141 200809SW_0639P16153 200809SW_0640P16153 199709Wst_719F1722 199709Wst_718F1721 200809SW_0642P16153 200809SW_0644P16153 200809SW_0647P16154 199709Wst_716F1719

Fruita Historic District

The Fruita Historic District is where the town of Fruita resided. The last resident actually moved away in the 1960's. While the place was part of the National Monument, the residents were grandfathered in, and the land was purchased when the owner decided to leave, not by eminent domain. It should be mentioned that there were never more than 10 property owners here, so it was pretty easy to manage.

There are some petroglyphs here (which I still maintain is just ancient graffiti :-) ) from the Freemont Culture, some 1000 years ago. The one room schoolhouse has been maintained, the seemingly iconic structure that defined a pioneer town.

And a word about slickrock. I just "walked" up that rock in the picture for perspective, it's just too easy to think that some of those sandstone rocks are small. I'm a good 7 or 8 feet off the ground there. It was way easy getting up there. It was way not easy getting back down...

199709Wst_711F1714 199709Wst_712F1715 199709Wst_713F1716 199709Wst_714F1717 199709Wst_715F1718 199709Wst_707F1712 199709Wst_708F1713 199709Wst_709J0708 199709Wst_710J0709

Not only has the Park Service maintained and rebuilt some of the buildings, but they also maintain the orchards that were established here by the pioneers, both fruit and nut trees. The orchards are open when their bounty is in season, and it's all you can eat, free, so long as it's consumed within the orchard. There's a nominal fee per pound if you take the fruit/nuts with you. (Apples were in season when I was there, and they were pretty good. The deer agreed. I know, we shouldn't have fed it. Bad tourists.)

Apple Orchard off Utah-24
199709Wst_695J0706 199709Wst_696J0707 199709Wst_697F1702 199709Wst_698F1703 199709Wst_700F1705 199709Wst_701F1706 199709Wst_702F1707 199709Wst_703F1708 199709Wst_705F1710

Visitors Center to Goosenecks Point

Utah-24 follows the Fold here, and you can clearly see the different layers of rock exposed by the up thrust.

Utah-24, Visitors Center to Goosenecks Overlook
199709Wst_706F1711 199709Wst_681F1616 199709Wst_682F1615 199709Wst_683F1618 199709Wst_684F1617

Goosenecks Overlook

There's a short drive to a short walk to an overlook of the goosenecks of Sulphur Creek. It's easy to lose the path if you're not paying attention and arrive at a point with no guard rail... But I digress.

Goosenecks Overlook
199709Wst_689F1623 199709Wst_690F1624 199709Wst_691F1625 200809SW_07310740P16181 199709Wst_692P0407 199709Wst_693P0406

Goosenecks Overlook to Torrey

Other formations along Utah-24.

Utah-24, Goosenecks Overlook to Torrey
199709Wst_686F1620 199709Wst_687F1621 199709Wst_688F1622 199709Wst_685F1619 199709Wst_694F1701

Scenic Drive, Visitors Center to Grand Wash

The visitor's Center is at the start of the Scenic Drive. We also stopped in at the Gifford's homestead, one of the families that lived in Fruita. (We bought a (six inch, I think) peach pie for consumption that night at the hotel.)

(The Scenic Drive was closed when I was here in 1997 due to flash floods that took out the road...)

Scenic Drive, Visitors Center to Grand Wash
200809SW_0626P16143 200809SW_0627P16143 200809SW_0656P16155 200809SW_0657P16155 200809SW_0658P16155 200809SW_0659P16155 200809SW_0660P16155 200809SW_0661P16155 200809SW_0662P16155 200809SW_0665P16160 200809SW_06660673P16161 200809SW_0674P16161 200809SW_06750681P16162 200809SW_0682P16162

Grand Wash

We walked part of the Grand Wash.

Grand Wash
200809SW_0685P16162 200809SW_0686P16162 200809SW_0687P16162 200809SW_0688P16162 200809SW_0689P16162 200809SW_0690P16162 200809SW_0691P16163 200809SW_0692P16163 200809SW_06930697P16163 200809SW_0698P16163 200809SW_0699P16164 200809SW_0700P16164 200809SW_0701P16164 200809SW_07030709P16164 200809SW_0710P16165

Grand Wash to Capitol Gorge

Scenic Drive, Grand Wash to End of Scenic Drive
200809SW_0711P16173 200809SW_0713P16173 200809SW_0712P16173 200809SW_0714P16173 200809SW_07150723P16173 200809SW_0724P16174 200809SW_0726P16174 200809SW_0727P16174 200809SW_0728P16175

You can see the Waterpocket Fold from Utah-12, until the road starts curving to the West...

From Utah-12

With Torrey a convenient place to stay overnight, a stop at Capitol Reef is a no-brainer if you're planning on driving Utah-12. Even if you only have a couple of hours, many of the sites are right on Utah-24, and easily accessible.

Related Links

Utah State Route 24
Utah-24 Link

Utah State Route 24 was the southern detour around the San Rafael Swell for 35 years before I-70 opened through the wilderness.

Today, it's still the way to get to Goblin Valley State Park, Capitol Reef National Park and the Waterpocket Fold. It is also one of the endpoints of Utah-12, a road everyone should drive at least once...

Utah / 35 Images. Visited Sep 1997, Sep 2008.
Utah State Route 12
Utah-12 Link

Utah State Route 12 (also named as the "Journey Through Time Byway") is my favorite road in America.

The 124 mile road starts at a unnamed junction with US-89 and ends in Torrey, Utah, pretty much connecting Bryce Canyon to Capitol Reef National Park. In-between are a couple of those spectacular Utah State Parks, a National Monument and some jaw-dropping landscapes just off the side of the road.

Utah / 67 Images. Visited Sep 1997, Sep 2008.

Trip Report: Sep 1997, Sep 2008.

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