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Illuminations VidCap
Frame capture of Illuminations in Epcot

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Now that the website is functional (it took a lot of time to re-engineer the internals of the site and get everything working, making the place look pretty is still on the list, lol), I'm trying to get the video back online.

All of the video here is Disney Theme Park video, because that's what was on my old website. Not only am I already set up to re-edit that video, but more than a couple are just turnkey re-rendering of an existing video project.

I have a couple of hundred hours of non-theme park video, but it has to be organized, then viewed, then (maybe) scripts written, etc. Once I'm done posting all of my Theme Park video, I'll start posting that video, but I have to come up with a plan first.

I'm using YouTube to host my video. It's the easiest way to do it right now, since I don't want to pay for a fast server, lol. I did want to embed the video directly onto these pages, but I can't embed copyrighted material, so you're going to have to go to YouTube to watch any video.

Visit my YouTube Channel, if you want to leave a public comment. All of my video can be found there, as well as appropriate playlists. I am trying to post weekly (on Saturday mornings,) and I'll really try to keep this index current.

About the Video

All of my video is posted in High-Definition 1080p, but that doesn't mean it was sourced from 1080p.

I finally bought into High-Definition in 2006 when Blu-Ray won the HD format war and it was apparent that ATSC (high-definition, digital television) was going to be the standard. So...

All video prior to 2006 is NTSC 480i Standard Definition (SD) video. They have been resized to 1080p, with black levels adjusted and slightly sharpened, but in the end, it's NTSC video. These videos will have black bars at the sides.

All video 2006 and after is High Definition (HD), and can be:

About the Audio

Disney, in their infinite ways to market Disney, sells the soundtrack to a lot of their attractions on CD, particularly parades and nighttime shows.

Since this is a digital world, playback speed is independent of the medium. Many times I've found I could use the CD digital audio to enhance or even replace some less-than-desirable recorded audio. The CD matched what was recorded in the parks to the note.

I've enhanced or replaced the audio to several parades and nighttime shows, mostly to eliminate crowd noise and/or bad speaker placement. It also eliminates firework explosions, which are variable in time depending on how far away you are from the pyro. Besides, pyro retorts in video is pretty feeble compared to being there, lol. I've mixed ambient audio back in if needed for effect, but it's interesting to watch some of shows with high quality audio versus what you get in the parks with crowd and other noises.

If I did do a replacement, I've noted it in the video's comments.

And finally, yes, most of it is copyrighted, even if I didn't use the CD audio. And I think I have more copyright claims on my videos than I do videos, lol. But Disney also doesn't have a problem with it being on YouTube, because it's all "freely" available in the parks, where they allow it to be videotaped.

Summary Index

Video Name links will take you to the page with more information on the video.
YouTube Link will take you to the video on YouTube.

And finally, when you get right down to it, video is nothing more than photography at 30 (well, usually 30) frames per second.

The rules are just different. And just like having to really learn a photo editor, you have to learn to use a video editor. It was probably more difficult for me because I had to learn a whole new set of rules. (Like instead of just minutes and seconds, it's minutes and seconds and frames.)

Just putting together clips isn't that hard, but learning an actual non-linear editor had a tremendous learning curve. But once you know how to do it, like a photo editor, it's pretty easy and intuitive. Some of the more difficult tasks lately has been trying to make NTSC 480i into something a bit better than NTSC 480i...

All of these videos were edited and finished in Premier Pro, because that's the editor I know, lol.

If you want to read my thoughts about video, I have an About Video page...

  • October 2022 - Deployment.
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