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1997 West Vacation, Part 4

September 13 through 27

Grand Canyon National Park (North Rim) - September 20

 97 West slideshow 4
My 1997 West Vacation - 14 days, 5440 miles.
Days 8-10, Grand Canyon NP (North Rim) to Cedar Breaks NM

Even though it's only 9 miles from the South rim to the North rim, its 214 miles by road, through some pretty desolate desert. The North Rim of the Grand Canyon is a very different place than the South Rim. Its 1200 feet higher than the South Rim, and it's hard to believe this is the same park until you reach the rim and look out...

There is less access to the rim here from a car, and the views are more impressive on the South Rim, but if you have the time you should see it.

Grand Canyon, North Rim
199709Wst_466J0520 199709Wst_467F1101 199709Wst_468F1103 199709Wst_469J0522 199709Wst_470F1105 199709Wst_471F1108 199709Wst_472P0303 199709Wst_473P0305 199709Wst_474J0523 199709Wst_475F1107 199709Wst_476F1112 199709Wst_477F1111 199709Wst_478F1106 199709Wst_480J0521 199709Wst_481F1109 199709Wst_482P0304 199709Wst_483F1104

I got to Pipe Spring National Monument...after it closed for the day. But I got a picture of the Entry Sign!

Pipe Spring National Monument

This was the one time not having reservations wouldn't pay off. After trying a couple of different chains, the closest room I could get would be in St. George, Utah. I should have just driven into Virgin or other town to see if I could get a room, but pre-world wide web, you weren't sure what was there. If nothing was available, it would add 50 miles onto the day and we'd still end up in St. George.

Zion National Park

Court of the Patriarchs
Court of the Patriarchs, Riverside Walk, Zion National Park.
Zion was and is Utah's first NP. Literally translated to "the Heavenly City of God", it was originally called Mukuntuweap National Monument. It finally became Zion National Park in 1919.

While man has probably inhabited the area for a thousand or more years, it was the Mormons that put names on most of the peaks and unusual formations: The West Temple; The Three Patriarchs, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob; Angels landing; the Pulpit.

Zion National Park, Zion Canyon - September 21

The most available part of the park, as well as the centerpiece of Zion, is Zion Canyon, carved out of the rock by the Virgin River over the past 13 million years. Two to three thousand foot high walls line the canyon, making you stand in awe looking at nature's handiwork.

Zion National Park, Riverside Walk
199709Wst_486J0524 199709Wst_487J0525 199709Wst_488F1114 199709Wst_489F1115 199709Wst_490J0526 199709Wst_491F1116 199709Wst_492F1117 199709Wst_493F1118 199709Wst_494F1119 199709Wst_495F1120 199709Wst_496F1121 199709Wst_497P0306 199709Wst_498F1122 199709Wst_499F1123 199709Wst_500F1124 199709Wst_501P0307 199709Wst_503J0527 199709Wst_502F1125 199709Wst_504J0528 199709Wst_506F1201 199709Wst_507F1202 199709Wst_508F1203 199709Wst_510F1216 199709Wst_511J0531 199709Wst_512F1204 199709Wst_513F1205 199709Wst_514F1206 199709Wst_515F1207 199709Wst_516J0532 199709Wst_517J0533 199709Wst_518F1208 199709Wst_519F1209 199709Wst_520F1214 199709Wst_521F1210 199709Wst_523J0534 199709Wst_524F1212 199709Wst_525F1213 199709Wst_526J0535 199709Wst_527F1215 199709Wst_528F1217 199709Wst_530F1219

Zion National Park, Canyon Overlook Trail - September 21

If you follow Utah Route 9, rather than turn into Zion Canyon, you'll come to the end of a canyon carved out by Pine Creek. There's a hiking trail there that'll show you some magnificent overlooks down the valley.

Zion National Park, Canyon Overlook Trail (Mt. Carmel Highway)
199709Wst_531F1220 199709Wst_532F1221 199709Wst_533F1222 199709Wst_534F1223 199709Wst_535F1224 199709Wst_536F1301 199709Wst_537F1302 199709Wst_538F1303 199709Wst_539F1304 199709Wst_540F1308 199709Wst_541F1305 199709Wst_542F1306 199709Wst_543F1307 199709Wst_544F1309 199709Wst_545J0536 199709Wst_546J0600 199709Wst_547J0601 199709Wst_548J0602 199709Wst_549J0603 199709Wst_550J0604 199709Wst_551J0605 199709Wst_552J0606 199709Wst_553J0607 199709Wst_554J0608 199709Wst_555J0609 199709Wst_556J0610 199709Wst_557J0611 199709Wst_558J0612 199709Wst_559J0613 199709Wst_560J0614 199709Wst_561F1319

Zion National Park, Kolob Canyons - September 21

On the west end of the park, available only by taking I-15, are the finger canyons of the Kolob. They were named after the central sphere of the universe, in Mormon Book of Abraham.

The three areas of Zion pretty much took the entire day. We spent the night in Parowan, Utah.

Zion National Park, Kolob Canyons
199709Wst_562F1320 199709Wst_564J0615 199709Wst_565F1313 199709Wst_566J0617 199709Wst_568F1312 199709Wst_570F1314 199709Wst_571F1315 199709Wst_572F1316 199709Wst_574F1318

Cedar Breaks National Monument - September 22

Cedar Breaks National Monument is an amphitheater 3 miles across and dives down over 2000 feet. It'd be a pretty spectacular place if it weren't surrounded by the Grand Canyon, Zion, and Bryce Canyon...

I'd also have been more in awe of this place, if it hadn't been early, cold, windy and had a decent amount of oxygen. We dragged the winter coats out from the trunk and still shivered. So, it was just an abbreviated stop down into the desert.

Cedar Breaks National Monument
199709Wst_575F1321 199709Wst_577F1322 199709Wst_578F1324 199709Wst_579F1400 199709Wst_581P0309 199709Wst_582F1325 199709Wst_583F1404 199709Wst_584F1402 199709Wst_585F1401 199709Wst_586P0310 199709Wst_587F1403 199709Wst_588P0311 199709Wst_589F1405 199709Wst_590F1406 199709Wst_591F1407 199709Wst_592P0312 199709Wst_593J0619 199709Wst_594F1408 199709Wst_595F1409 199709Wst_596J0618 199709Wst_597F1410

End 1997 West Vacation - Part 4.

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  • 08/4/2013 - Rewrite and update to v3.11
  • 08/29/2014 - Update to v3.2
  • September 2022 - Upgrade to v5.0.
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