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1997 West Vacation, Part 3

September 13 through 27

Little Colorado River Gorge - September 18

 97 West slideshow 3
My 1997 West Vacation - 14 days, 5440 miles.
Days 6-8, Little Colorado River Gorge to Glen Canyon NRA, Lees Ferry Unit

The Little Colorado River Gorge is just a parking area where the Navajo who make their living off the tourist trade set up booths to sell their wares. But behind all that, are sheer drop-offs to the Little Colorado River. If you're coming into Grand Canyon National Park from the East (or exiting to the West to get to the North Rim,) it's a must see...

I did return on my 2008 trip. The pictures and panoramics on my 2008 page were taken earlier in the day.

Little Colorado River Gorge
199709Wst_296J0316 199709Wst_298J0314 199709Wst_299J0320 199709Wst_319P0204 199709Wst_300F0811 199709Wst_301J0315 199709Wst_302J0318 199709Wst_303J0321 199709Wst_304F0812 199709Wst_305F0813 199709Wst_306F0814 199709Wst_307J0317 199709Wst_308F0815 199709Wst_309F0816 199709Wst_310J0319 199709Wst_311F0817 199709Wst_312F0818

Grand Canyon National Park (South Rim) - September 18 & 19

You've heard the words: "Awesome", "Grandeur", "Majestic"... They don't begin to describe the feeling you get when you first step to the edge of the Canyon and peer into its depths. You *know* the scale of what you're seeing, but I don't think your mind understands. The Colorado River, some 300 feet wide at this point, appears as a small ribbon, visible every once in a while past the spires and walls of the Canyon.

Francisco Vasquez de Coronado (and his army) is credited as the first European to see the Canyon in 1540. He was a Spaniard looking for the seven cities of gold. Of course, the seven cities of gold never existed, but hey, at least we still remember his name. (He got as far as Kansas before he got the confession that his native guide was lying to draw Coronado away from his people. Coronado was convinced there were no precious metals in all this country.)

I have to admit, the pictures from my 2008 trip are much better.

We stopped in Grand Canyon Village, but of course, no rooms were available. So it was South to Tusayan, where we found a Quality Inn with a room.

Grand Canyon National Park, South Rim, Part 1
199709Wst_313F0820 199709Wst_315F0821 199709Wst_316J0322 199709Wst_318J0324 199709Wst_320P0205 199709Wst_321J0325 199709Wst_322F0822 199709Wst_323J0400 199709Wst_324J0401 199709Wst_325J0402 199709Wst_326J0403 199709Wst_327F0823 199709Wst_328F0824 199709Wst_329P0206 199709Wst_330P0208 199709Wst_331F0825 199709Wst_332F0826 199709Wst_333F0827 199709Wst_334F0828 199709Wst_335F0829 199709Wst_336F0830 199709Wst_337F0831 199709Wst_338J0404 199709Wst_339F0832 199709Wst_341F0834 199709Wst_342J0405 199709Wst_343J0406 199709Wst_344J0407 199709Wst_345F0835

Grand Canyon National Park, South Rim, Part 2
199709Wst_346F0836 199709Wst_347J0408 199709Wst_348F0901 199709Wst_349F0902 199709Wst_350J0409 199709Wst_352F0904 199709Wst_353F0905 199709Wst_355F0907 199709Wst_357F0908 199709Wst_358F0909 199709Wst_359F0910 199709Wst_360J0411 199709Wst_361F0911 199709Wst_362F0912 199709Wst_363F0913 199709Wst_364F0914 199709Wst_365F0915 199709Wst_366F0916 199709Wst_367P0209 199709Wst_368F0917 199709Wst_369J0412 199709Wst_370F0918 199709Wst_371F0919 199709Wst_373P0211 199709Wst_374F0920 199709Wst_375J0413 199709Wst_376J0414 199709Wst_377P0210 199709Wst_378F0921 199709Wst_379F0922

US-89 - September 19

US-89 is a pretty amazing road. It's been mostly supplanted by I-15, and as a matter of fact it's the same road through the more mountainous areas.

But if you really look at the route it takes, this road passes near or through Grand Canyon NP, Glen Canyon NRA, Grand Staircase-Escalante NM, Zion, Bryce Canyon, Grand Teton, Yellowstone, and Glacier NP. That's quite a respectable set of sights. It might be a road trip to go from one end to the other...

Of course, I was in the desert, and it was going to rain on me, but that would have a pay-off later.

199709Wst_380F0923 199709Wst_381J0416 199709Wst_382J0417 199709Wst_384J0419 199709Wst_385F0924 199709Wst_386F0925 199709Wst_387J0420 199709Wst_388F0926 199709Wst_389F0927 199709Wst_390F0928 199709Wst_391F0929 199709Wst_392P0212 199709Wst_393J0421

Glen Canyon National Recreation Area (Wahweap, AZ) - September 19 & 20

Double Rainbow
Double rainbow over Lake Powell, from Wahweap, AZ. Proof positive that a lot of amazing pictures are only taken because someone is in the right place at the right time...
We arrived at the Dam at just about the same time as the rainstorm, and went inside the visitors center for a look, but no Dam Tours were left that day. Since it was raining so hard, all the photo equipment was left in the car. Dumb.

I had been talked into camping in Wahweap. I still did stuff like that back then. So we pitched the tent, and unrolled the sleeping bags. Suddenly, the sun came out, and painted a gorgeous double rainbow over Lake Powell, with one end in Utah, and the other in Arizona. Proof positive that you don't have to have talent, you just have to be in the right place at the right time.

Got a pretty sunset too. And I repositioned the tent so we could keep the door open and watch the lightning recede in the distance as night fell...

When I was back here in 2008, we wouldn't sleep on the ground, but we would take a boat trip out to Rainbow Bridge National Monument, and do the Glen Canyon Dam tour...

Wahweap, AZ / Glen Canyon National Recreation Area
199709Wst_394F0930 199709Wst_395F0931 199709Wst_396F0932 199709Wst_397J0422 199709Wst_398399F0933 199709Wst_402403P0213 199709Wst_404J0423 199709Wst_405J0424 199709Wst_407J0502 199709Wst_408F0937 199709Wst_409F1001 199709Wst_411F1002 199709Wst_412J0504 199709Wst_413J0505 199709Wst_414F1004 199709Wst_415F1003 199709Wst_416F1005 199709Wst_417F1006 199709Wst_418J0506 199709Wst_419F1008 199709Wst_420F1007 199709Wst_421F1009 199709Wst_424J0507 199709Wst_425J0508 199709Wst_426J0509 199709Wst_427J0510 199709Wst_428J0511

Navajo Bridge / Marble Canyon - September 20

The Navajo bridge is one of two points that crosses the Colorado river for 60 miles in either direction. The bridge spans Marble Canyon, which at this point is 600 feet across, and 500 feet deep. Grand Canyon National Park starts just South of here, and Glen Canyon NRA is just to the North.

Navaho Bridge / Colorado River
199709Wst_430F1012 199709Wst_432F1014 199709Wst_433F1015 199709Wst_434J0513 199709Wst_435F1016 199709Wst_436F1017 199709Wst_437P0215 199709Wst_438F1018

Glen Canyon National Recreation Area (Lees Ferry) - September 20

The Lees Ferry unit of the Glen Canyon NRA, was the first ferry service across the Colorado river in this area. The Ferry was built in 1873 operated by John D. Lee of the Mormon Church, who is a story in himself. (He would become the fall guy for the Mountain Meadows Massacre.) The ferry service continued until 1929 when the first Navajo Bridge was completed across Marble Canyon, a few miles to the South. There's access to the Colorado River here, as well as some very cool rock formations.

I would visit here again in 2008 and visit Lee's house.

Glen Canyon National Recreation Area, Lee's Ferry
199709Wst_439F1019 199709Wst_440F1020 199709Wst_442F1021 199709Wst_444F1023 199709Wst_445F1024 199709Wst_446J0515 199709Wst_448F1025 199709Wst_449F1026 199709Wst_450F1027 199709Wst_451F1028 199709Wst_452J0517 199709Wst_453F1029 199709Wst_454F1034 199709Wst_455J0518 199709Wst_456F1030 199709Wst_457F1031 199709Wst_458P0301 199709Wst_459J0519 199709Wst_460F1032 199709Wst_461F1033 199709Wst_462F1035 199709Wst_463F1036 199709Wst_464P0302 199709Wst_465F1037

End 1997 West Vacation - Part 3.

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  • 08/4/2013 - Rewrite and update to v3.11
  • 08/29/2014 - Update to v3.2
  • September 2022 - Upgrade to v5.0.
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