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Yellowstone National Park, Part 1

Yellowstone has been split into three pages, separated by Grand Loop Road segments. See below.


Yellowstone Part 1. South Entrance to Old Faithful to Norris.
Click to go directly to the slideshow.

Yellowstone. My favorite National Park. I've described it as three or four other parks all squished into one...

It has a myriad of geologic features from tall mountain ranges to deep river canyons to wide glacial valleys to immense open prairies. There are geothermal features only found in select areas on Earth, all thanks to the super-volcano that the parks sits on.

There are hundreds of waterfalls and cascades. A couple of the grandest waterfalls on the continent are on the Yellowstone River, which sources in the park and takes a wild ride through its first 20 or 30 miles, before becoming a major tributary to the Missouri and finally the Mississippi Rivers. The 45th Parallel runs through the Northern part of the park, and the Continental Divide runs through the Southern part...

It's wildlife is the most accessible and diverse, from Bear sightings (and you best hope that those sightings aren't close up), to Bison who have no problem giving you the stink eye as they stand in front of your car like a crossing guard as a herd crosses in front of you. Elk are common in the park, with the best experience in Mammoth Hot Springs in the Fall, when large herds come down during the evenings and almost co-habitate with humans (or at least tolerates their presence) so they can eat the mowed grass. The occasional moose can be found on the lowlands along the rivers. You can even see the cutthroat trout lazily taunting all the anglers on the (no) Fishing Bridge.

The bad news is, the park is a victim of its own success. The number of people in the park during the tourist season is almost out-of-control. Yellowstone is a huge park, so if you want to find solitude from the crowds, you can. But popular sites like Old Faithful and the other geothermal areas, and around the falls on the Yellowstone River can get very crowded. Spurious wildlife sightings can cause dangerous driver reactions or traffic jams.

The good news is, the crowds aren't quite as bad during the off season. The best time to visit might be after Labor Day and before "mid-October", when the park service starts shutting down roads for the winter. I've never been caught in the park when it snowed, but I'm not sure I'd want to drive the Grand Loop Road when it's slippery.

The park is large enough that I had to split it into three parts. Each part contains several contiguous Grand Loop road segments, along with the entrance roads.

The Grand Loop

The Grand Loop Road is 142 miles of sometimes good, sometimes narrow, sometimes pretty crappy, and sometimes downright scary road. It's actually in a figure "8", but the Norris to Canyon Village segment is more of a connector than part of the Loop and can cut over 50 miles off your day's trip. It also does come close to defining the Northern edge of the volcano's latest caldera.

All roads within the park are two-lane roads, with speed limits of 45mph or less. The road changes character many times as you travel it, and will look very different driving it in different directions. (Highly recommended, btw...)

Yellowstone Map
Cropped map of the Grand Loop to show road segments. Click on the map for a larger, unadulterated map.

Because the park is so large and there are few main roads, all road junctions are named, usually for a feature located close by. I'm going to utilize these natural segment breaks to organize the pictures. The exception is Old Faithful, which isn't a junction, but it is Old Faithful...

The "Road Segments" here are identical to the segments in the index.

Part 1:
South Entrance to West Thumb
West Thumb to Old Faithful
Old Faithful to Madison
Madison to the West Entrance
Madison to Norris (No images)
Norris to Canyon Village

Part 2:
Norris to Mammoth Hot Springs
Mammoth Hot Springs to the North Entrance
Mammoth Hot Springs to Tower-Roosevelt
Tower-Roosevelt to the Northeast Entrance

Part 3:
Tower-Roosevelt to Canyon Village
Canyon Village to Lake Village
Lake Village to West Thumb

Part 1 starts with the South Entrance Road, then takes the Grand Loop Road West to Old Faithful and then to Norris. I'm starting at the South Entrance because I've entered the park through the South Entrance all three times I've been to Yellowstone, so it seemed as good an arbitrary start point as anywhere else...

Part 1 is also mostly geothermal features, as it travels through the caldera.

South Entrance to West Thumb

Unlike all the other entrance roads, there isn't a city just outside the park.

Instead, there's a 7.5 mile road named, "The John D. Rockefeller Jr. Memorial Parkway", which connects Yellowstone to Grand Teton. (Yeah, the guy deserves it. He's the one who organized and helped to purchased most of the land that's now Grand Teton National Park.) The closest city from the South Entrance is actually Jackson, Wyoming, about 60 miles to the South, though you can get supplies from stores within Grand Teton.

A few words about Grand Teton National Park.

The first two times I went through the park, the Tetons were nothing more than the South Entrance to Yellowstone.

The third time, I spent a few days in the park. While Yellowstone will always be the main draw to this area, I'd recommend taking a couple of days to check out the Tetons...

South Entrance / Lewis River
199809NW_215F0822 199809NW_217F0823 200109Wst_744F11xxx 200109Wst_745T11184 200109Wst_746T11184 200109Wst_752T11185 200109Wst_754T11185 200109Wst_759N11xxx 200109Wst_761N11xxx 199809NW_219J0116 199809NW_221F0901 199809NW_225J0118 200608PNW_1686D06100 200608PNW_1688C06100 200608PNW_1691C06101 200608PNW_1690C06101 200608PNW_1692D06101

West Thumb to Old Faithful

Old Faithful Map
This map was downloaded from the NPS site.
Geyser Hill
200109Wst_852T13093 199809NW_516F1428 199809NW_517F1429 199809NW_518F1430 199809NW_519F1431 199809NW_520F1432 199809NW_521F1433 199809NW_522F1434 199809NW_523F1435 199809NW_525F1437 199809NW_526J0501 199809NW_527F1501 199809NW_529J0503 199809NW_530F1502 199809NW_532F1504 199809NW_535F1507 199809NW_538F1508 199809NW_541F1510 199809NW_542F1511 199809NW_543F1512 199809NW_544F1513

Old Faithful Geyser

Old Faithful
199809NW_506J0421 199809NW_508F1422 199809NW_510F1423 199809NW_511F1424 199809NW_512F1425 199809NW_514F1426 199809NW_515J0424 200608PNW_1694C06122 200608PNW_1695C06122 200608PNW_1704C06130

Old Faithful to Madison

The bison have right-of-way...
Black Sand Basin
199809NW_226F0905 199809NW_228F0907 199809NW_229J0119 199809NW_232J0122 199809NW_234F0909 199809NW_235F0910 199809NW_236F0911 199809NW_239F0912 199809NW_240F0913 199809NW_241F0914 199809NW_244F0916 199809NW_246J0201 199809NW_248F0920 199809NW_251J0202 199809NW_252J0203 199809NW_253F0922

Biscuit Basin
199809NW_254F0923 199809NW_255J0204 199809NW_256F0924 199809NW_257F0925 199809NW_258F0926 199809NW_260F0928

Midway Geyser Basin
199809NW_501J0420 199809NW_503F1418 199809NW_504F1419 199809NW_633F1720 199809NW_634F1721 199809NW_636F1722 199809NW_637F1723 199809NW_638J0607 199809NW_640J0609 199809NW_641J0610

Firehole Lake Drive
199809NW_493P0201 199809NW_492F1410 199809NW_494F1411 199809NW_496J0419 199809NW_497F1413 199809NW_498F1414 199809NW_499F1415 200608PNW_1705C06132 200608PNW_17101713C06132 200608PNW_17141719C06133 200608PNW_1720C06134 200608PNW_1723C06134 200608PNW_1724C06135

Fountain Paint Pots
199809NW_490F1408 199809NW_477F1403 199809NW_478J0411 199809NW_479J0412 199809NW_480J0413 199809NW_481J0414 199809NW_483J0415 199809NW_484F1405 199809NW_486J0416 199809NW_487F1407 200608PNW_1726D06140 200608PNW_1727D06140 200608PNW_1728D06140 200608PNW_1729D06141 200608PNW_17311736C06141 200608PNW_1737C06142

US-89 / National Park Mountain
199809NW_476J0410 199809NW_474F1401 199809NW_475F1402 200109Wst_850T13085 200109Wst_851T13085 199809NW_263F0929 199809NW_265J0208 199809NW_786S0000 199809NW_266J0209 199809NW_269F0932 199809NW_271F0934 199809NW_273F0936 199809NW_274F0937

Firehole Canyon Drive
199809NW_467F1333 199809NW_468F1334 199809NW_470J0406 199809NW_471F0408 199809NW_472J1336 199809NW_473J0409 200109Wst_768T12092 200109Wst_770T12092 200109Wst_771T12092 200109Wst_773F12xxx 200109Wst_774F12xxx 200109Wst_777F12xxx 200109Wst_780F12xxx

Madison to West Entrance

Madison to West Entrance
200109Wst_766T11194 200109Wst_767T12090 200109Wst_836T12170 200109Wst_840T12171 200109Wst_842F12xxx 200109Wst_843F12xxx 200109Wst_849F12xxx 200109Wst_845T12172 200109Wst_846T12172 200109Wst_847T12172 200109Wst_848T12172

Madison to Norris

I have no images of the area between Madison and Norris Junctions. The explanation for this, is while I was down this segment in 1998, I was still shooting film, so I only shot frames if something was overwhelmingly interesting.

In 2001, this road segment was closed for construction, much to my surprise, and had I known when planning the trip, wouldn't have booked a room in West Yellowstone. However, the day I arrived in Yellowstone that year was September 11, so the trip was destined to not-be-fun from that day forward, anyway.

We didn't even drive this segment in 2008, since that trip was more dedicated to Grand Teton, and we only drove through Yellowstone to get to the Chief Joseph Highway.

Norris to Canyon

Norris to Canyon

End Yellowstone National Park - Part 1 of 3.

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  • 04/30/2016 - Initial deployment
  • April 2017 - Upgrade to v3.4.
  • August 2022 - Upgrade to v5.0. Complete edit and rewrite
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