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December 2011 Trip, Part 7

D23's 2011 Magic and Merriment

Please see Part 1 for cast and plot summary...

Day 6a, Saturday, Dec 10.

D23's 2011 Magic and Merriment, Day 2, Part 1

Dec 2011 Slideshow 7
Click to go directly to the slideshow

Full Moon today. Figures. We get to the bus stop, and a Magic Kingdom bus is waiting for us. I have complained several times this week of the banjo music on the buses (which I agree is themed to POR), and this morning brings us a brand-y new bus driver, who wants us all to sing Happy Birthday to a kid on the bus. More than that, he's an old (well, younger than Jenny) guy who starts the guest singing "The Wheels On The Bus", and we pretty much have a singing bus all the way to MK. Live entertainment. Even on transportation.

We have another full day:
Saturday, December 10

We get to the MK about 8:15, and to the Hub about 8:20, where they're about to do the Main Street Trolley Parade, or whatever it's called. I've never seen it, so we stop to watch as they entertain about 20 people this morning.

Main Street Trolley Parade
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We continue on through a relatively empty Magic Kingdom, and we're admitted to the second floor of the Columbia Harbour House for a continental breakfast. Granola, yogurt, cheddar biscuits, Boston Cream doughnuts, orange juice, coffee, etc. We get a map of where to park at Animal Kingdom tonight. Since the only busses that will be available will be to the TTC, it will probably be better to drive to Animal Kingdom after leaving Magic Kingdom.

Columbia Harbour House
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We leave Columbia Harbour House with an hour until we have to get to Liberty Square. What to do? Look, Haunted Mansion, right across the street! That was a hard decision.

Since the place is relatively empty, we take our time going through the cemetery. We stop by the Spectrecom, where you can speak to the nearly departed. So we did. And they listened! There's a speech recognition unit behind the microphone, and you can sorta have a conversation with the nearly departed. Spooky. :-)

On the way out, Jenny inspects the hearse, and critiques it, and finds an error. The horse collar should go all the way around. Disney, you'd better get your act together!

Haunted Mansion
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Jenny's getting excited about seeing the Castle Suite. We head up toward Fantasyland, and get on small world. We enjoy the happiest cruise that every sailed. At the end, an SG stands up before we are at unload, causing everything to come to a halt. Don't people pay attention? Even if he gets off, where's he going to go? We walk across the street to Peter Pan which is still almost a walk on. Wow. Peter Pan, twice in one trip. That might be a record!

it's a small world / Peter Pan
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We've killed about 45 minutes, so we start heading toward the Sleepy Hollow grotto, a small area behind the counter service restaurant in Liberty Square, right next to the Hall of Presidents gift shop. We pass Philharmagic, and decide we don't have the time. Jenny is entering her bouncy phase. We're going to see Cinderella's Castle Suite!

We check in with our D23 rep, it's just before 10am. CM Katie comes and fetches the 10am group. 10 minutes to go. ;-)

They can only allow six quests at a time in the suite. It's not a public space, so there isn't an occupancy limit, but the room is only supposed to hold six, and they better be a *really* friendly 6...

You can read yesterday morning's notes about the history and design of the suite, from a abstract, slideshow point of view. This is the tourist's point of view. It's a bit different hearing about the suite for years, and finally being able to see it.

Magic Kingdom
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CM Katie is two minutes late to come get us, and the D23 reps at the waiting area are getting concerned. They are on a tight schedule, they actually have guests staying in the suite tonight. Check in is at 4pm, and the tours are supposed to end at 3pm. How would you like to know 200 people marched through your room just hours before you arrived? Spray down the room with Clorox, please...

CM Katie finally shows up, and leads us up the path beside the moat to the back of the castle. There is a temporary wall across the back of the castle corridor. Something about the corridor has to be closed off while the forecourt is in use. My guess? Prop/stage storage. They finally open the corridor, but the far doors are closed, and the corridor is no longer two archways wide.

Cinderella Castle Breezeway
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The Suite Concierge room has been built out, with moveable walls to complete the corridor. We are taken to the concierge door, and don't gain entry until about 10:25. I'm sure the D23 reps are going insane. The 10:00 group finally exits, we are handed off to CM Caroline, and get go into the Concierge room. It's all there, the pumpkin/wildlife tapestry, the desk, and the clock that never quite gets to midnight...

Caroline calls for the elevator using an RFID card. The doors open, and Cindy, Jasmine and Ariel (with legs and thingamabobs) are contained therein. Wow! An early Christmas present. The girls quickly get into character, they weren't expecting *guests* in the Royal Elevator. The elevator door closes, and the princesses go away. Caroline calls for the elevator again, further delaying our schedule. The door opens, and the princesses are still contained therein. So we all get on. I'm sure 10 people on an elevator this small was a violation, but that's okay with me. Any of the three princesses could violate me. Just sayin'. (When Caroline calls for the elevator, the elevator might be programmed to only go to Suite level, so no errant guests can get off at Cindy's Royal Table...)

Cinderella Castle Suite, Concierge Room
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The Suite is on the fourth floor above grade. I'm not sure if that includes the basement, since all the windows are frosted, and you have no reference to where you are. The elevator panel is a modern anachronism in taking you to a medieval period room. The elevator doors open, and we bid the princesses adieu. We step into the foyer, and your eye goes immediately to the glass case that hold the slipper. It is surrounded by Mary Blair concept art. The floor is a pumpkin coach mosaic. The moldings that surround the room are exquisitely carved.

Cinderella Castle Suite, Foyer
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We enter the bedroom, and your eyes go directly to all the "Show Ready" signs, which means if you sit on something or go to the bathroom, you'll spend some time in the Royal Dungeon hanging by your peasant thumbs by Mousekeeping.

The room can only be described as opulent, bordering on gaudy. It is decked out like no other resort hotel room on property. The entire room (okay, maybe not the HDTVs or the fireplace) is in medieval dress. The speakers are hidden by fake books There are only two windows, partially blocked by an archway, so Disney is free to accent and subdue the lighting where they wish. The pillar in the room hides a structural support, but it's off to one side and doesn't offend the grandeur of the room.

Cinderella Castle Suite, Bed Chamber
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The Parlor is off to the side, and has a royal sleeper sofa. This room has three large windows on two walls, with mirrors on the third, making it bright and more cheerful room. Wow. Drinking a few brews watching football in this room would be *great*.

Cinderella Castle Suite, Parlor
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The Royal Bathroom is complete with a hot tub, shower, dual sinks and of course, the royal commode that has *got* to be cold in the morning. It was show ready, so I couldn't lift the lid to see exactly how you had to sit on it. And yes, that is Cindy's monogram on the toilet paper. Another anachronism you'll be thankful for.

Cinderella Castle Suite, Bathroom
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We leave the concierge room at 10:37, 17 minutes over time. Hopefully the M&M guests at the end of the day don't get screwed on time. That's why I wanted the earliest time slot possible.

Time from entering the concierge room to leaving it, 11 minutes. Actual time in the suite, 6 minutes. Memories for this trip, absolutely priceless...

End December 2011 Trip Report - Part 7.

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