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Help - Picture Pages


There are two basic types of pages. The Place Page and the Picture Page.

A Place Page is an index into a slideshow. A slideshow is an array of Picture Pages. (An administrative page, like this help page, is essentially a place page with no index.) This page will explain Picture Pages. Click on the tab above for help on a Place Page.


"Slideshows" are a series of Picture Pages. Each Slideshow's first image is a Title Card. It contains the name of the slideshow, and the dates the pictures were taken.

If you're viewing a multi-page place or report, a new Title Card will alert you that you're moving to the next page, and will be returned to that new page.

If you are at the last image and try to go the next image, you will be asked if you wish to go to the start of the slideshow. Similarly, if you're at the first slide, and try to go to the previous slide, you will be asked if you wish to go to the end of the slideshow.

Picture Pages

This is what the typical Picture Page looks like:

Picture Page

Header: At the top of every page, it is a link back to my home page, and three standard navigation buttons. The red letter is a hotkey.

"Next" will take you to the next slide. If you are at the last slide, you will be asked if you wish to go to the start of the slideshow.

"Previous" will take you to the previous slide. If you're at the first slide, you'll be asked if you want to go to the end of the slideshow.

The "Return" button will return you to the current picture set. As mentioned above, if you passed a Title Card, you may not be on the page you started from.

The Entry Box allows you to manually enter the slide you want to see. I don't allow non-numbers, nor numbers less than one or larger than the number of slides in the slideshow. You can also use the arrows in the box to change the slide. It works a little funky, so deal with it, lol.

If you mouse-over any portion of the image, an info box will appear. Move the mouse off the image to get rid of the overlay.

Picture Page

Location: Where the picture was taken.
Description: Usually a description of the location, but not always.
Image: Where you are within the slideshow.
Comment: A comment, if available. Note the Description above is more a comment, and this image has no comment...
File ID: The internal name of the file. See Filenames for more information on how to decode the filename. Actual Size: The size of the source, in pixels.
Image Type: Normal, Panoramic, Wide (35mm), Stupid Photoshop Trick, etc.

Panoramics Pages:

Picture Page

There are a lot of panoramic images on this site, and extend far beyond the right side of the screen. If the image extends all the way to the right side, check for a scroll bar.

Remember that "H" will return you to the left-top of the window, and "R" will return you to the Place Page. Using an arrow key will allow you to scroll through the panoramic.

Click on the image above to see the actual panoramic, which is much larger than the image here...

That's about all you need to know about Picture Pages! If you have any questions, ask!

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